Generative AI visual - generated by A.I. of course...

What is Generative AI?

Wikipedia describes it as:

"Generative artificial intelligence (generative AI, GenAI, or GAI) is artificial intelligence capable of generating text, images or other data using generative models, often in response to prompts. Generative AI models learn the patterns and structure of their input training data and then generate new data that has similar characteristics."

Now... what does this mean? And how original is this AI generated content? How about legal implications?

The Basics

The idea behind Generative AI is quite simple. You supply the AI system with a huge dataset which it will analyze so it will "understand" patterns & structures. Most of these datasets for the current AI generators come from data "found"/bought/harvested on the internet. The result of this analysis is what we call a model. You can have various models for text, music, visuals, etc...

So, if someone wants to create something image-related, you would typically use a computer vision model, and for music-related tasks, you would use a music generation model. The user can usually just "ask a question" through a prompy. The AI will analyze the input and generate an result (text/graphics/music/code/...). Et voila!

How original is this AI generated content?

The originality of AI-generated content depends on several factors, including the complexity of the task, quality of the training data and the specific capabilities of the AI model involved.

In some cases AI-generated content can be highly original. Especially when it combines various sources of information in a "new" way or produces creative outputs that us humans might not have thought of. For example: AI models have been used to create "unique" artworks, generate "new" musical compositions and even create innovative solutions for complex problems.

However, it is also very important to understand that those AI models generate content based on patterns and information present in the data they are trained on(their model). While the created content can sometimes be innovative and surprising, in the end it is a reflection of the data and patterns from their training data. This means that there can AND WILL be limitations to the originality of AI-generated content.

Overall, AI-generated content can exhibit vaious degrees of originality depending on the task and the specific capabilities of the AI model involved. While AI can produce novel and creative outputs, it's also important to realize its limitations and the ways in which it builds upon existing information and patterns.

How about legal implications?

Copyright issues may arise with generative AI content. The legal landscape surrounding AI-generated content is still evolving and is very complex. Copyright law generally grants the creator of original content the exclusive right to reproduce, distribute, perform, display, and modify their work. However, when content is generated by AI models, it is not always clear who (legally) owns the copyright (or who is the original creator in a legal sense). Sometimes, the copyright may belong to the person (or organization) that trained/operated the AI model. In other cases it may be more ambiguous. Furthermore, if an AI model generates content that closely resembles existing copyrighted material, there may be concerns about copyright infringement.

In the end, navigating copyright issues related to AI-generated content may require legal expertise and careful consideration of the specific circumstances involved. As AI technology continues to advance, it's likely that there will be ongoing discussions and developments in the legal and regulatory frameworks governing these matters.